Dear Valued Sheep Draw Clients and Patients,
We would like to take a moment to let you know where we currently are with our proactive protections in the face of COVID 19. We understand that this is something that is affecting people differently. While we are not all necessarily at a high risk for the virus, we all have people we know or are around that are at high risk. With this in mind we are going to continue providing the same excellent service that you are used to, but we are going to implement new procedures to help limit both your exposure to others, but also to help reduce the exposure to our staff. This is a fluid situation that seems to be changing daily as new information becomes available, so these new procedures will be modified as needed.
We are currently allowing in- person exams for all appointments scheduled with a doctor. All technician appointments, medication/ food pick up and boarding will remain curbside at this time.
If you are scheduled with a doctor we ask you follow the procedure listed below
- Please call the office from your car (970) 351-0936 to alert us that you have arrived for your appointment
- A nurse will take a brief history over the phone, prepare a room, then come out to escort you and your pet inside. If you prefer to remain curbside, we can still accommodate this.
- After appointment is over, the technician will take preferred form of payment to the front desk for check out and return with invoice and payment method.
We will continue to be open for our normal hours at the current time. Will will try to notify you with as much notice as possible if anything changes.
We always want to be there for you and your beloved pet. To do this we need to take these precautions to ensure the health of you, our staff and our community.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
~The Sheep Draw Staff